Missionary & Pastor

Mike & Laura Burnett

Laura and I met around Dec. 2005 about the same time the Lord put it in my heart to be a missionary in Panama. We shared our hearts for the Lord with each other and became friends. She didn't know a lot of English and I didn't know much Spanish so we became study buddies and let the Lord guide. About 2 years later I finally figured out God had put us together for ministry and I asked her to marry me.  On May 26, 2008 we were married in Panama and lived there doing ministry until 2012 when we moved to our home in Tennessee.  We felt something was not complete in our lives until we met Pastor Brandon and his wife Norah. We got back involved in ministry and we're very happy.  Now God has put it in our hearts to finish what we started and plant a church back in Rio Hato, Panama. God gave us a beautiful home there back in 2008 and now we can make it a mission home for others to see God's work there. I hope this has given you some insight as to who we are.



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